Course materials for ENVS475 at Colorado Mesa University.

The course website can be found here:


This repository will serve as the unofficial collection of materials for ENVS475 Experimental Analysis and Design at Colorado Mesa University.

The goal of this website is to create a central repository for students registered in the class as well as other interested persons to access all course materials. If you have any issues or problems, feel free to contact me at jpomeranz [at] coloradomesa [dot] edu


You can install the development version of ENVS475 from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

CMU Students

All course materials will be available on this website. Course communications and assignment submissions will occur through our D2L page.

Self-guided students

The materials presented here are free for your use. Each week there is generally one lecture, lab, and homework assignment, all numbered by the week of the course. Exams are in week 8 and 15 (no materials on the website). All data objects will eventually be included in the ENVS475 package and can be loaded into your RStudio session by running data("data-object-name"). In the meantime, you can download the data objects individually from the repository hosted on GitHub.


Materials included in this course is purposefully made available to anyone who finds it useful. Users are free to use, adapt, distribute, display, and communicate these materials freely. If you have any questions you can reach out to me. Likewise, if you are going to use or modify these materials in your own classes or labs, please let me know. Tracking use of these materials is a helpful non-standard metric for tenure and promotion in my position.


I thank the maintainers and developers of the R ecosystem for fostering and encouraging an open science framework, as well as all the R practitioners around the world which make their code freely and openly available to everyone.

In particular, the development of this course was strongly influenced by materials from - Clark Rushing - Ethan White and others and - Mark Scheuerell