Subject to change

Week Monday (Lecture) Wednesday (Lab) Friday (Homework) Reading
1 Course introduction Lab 01: RStudio Projects HW 01: Computer and Project setup Hector Ch. 1, 2, 20
2 Introduction to R Lab Lab 02: Introduction to R HW 02: Introduction to R Hector Ch. 1, 2, 20
3 Basic Statistics Lab 03: Normal Distributions HW 03: Normal Distributions Hector Ch. 5
4 Lab 04a: dplyr Lab 04b: ggplot2 HW 04: dplyr + ggplot2 R4DS Ch. 3
5 Estimation Lab 05: Estimation HW 05: Estimation Hector Ch. 3, 5, 10
6 Intro to Models Lab 06: Intro to Models HW 06: Intro to Models Hector Ch. 6
7 t-tests Lab 07: t-tests HW 07: t-tests Hector Ch. 6, 9
8 Exam 1 No Lab: Exam 1 Exam 1 None
Spring Break None
9 RMarkdown Lab 09: Rmarkdown HW 09: Rmarkdown Hector Ch. 4; R4DS Ch. 3
10 ANOVA Lab 10: ANOVA HW 10: ANOVA Hector Ch. 11, 12
11 Factorial ANOVA Lab 11: Factorial ANOVA HW 11: Factorial ANOVA Hector Ch. 11, 12
12 2-way ANOVA Lab 12: 2-way ANOVA HW 12: 2-way ANOVA Hector Ch. 11, 12
13 Linear Regression Lab 13: Linear Regression HW 13: Linear Regression Hector Ch. 7
14 ANCOVA Lab 14: ANCOVA HW 14: ANCOVA Hector Ch. 14, 15
15 Exam 2 No Lab: Exam 2 Exam 2 None
Finals Monday 3-4:50 pm None

* = Graded assignment