Simulated data across a hypothetical gradient
This data is simulated to represent individual size data from three sites (Site A, Q, X) across a hypothetical environmental gradient. All individual body sizes are present. There is no binning or counting of individuals. In other words, this is a perfect example of when to use `negLL.fn = negLL.PLB` in the `calcLike()` function. The data was simulated from the `sizeSpectra::rPLB()` function with `b = -1`, `-1.5` and `-2` respectively.
## `isd_gradient` A data frame with 6,000 rows and 3 columns:
- body_mass
Continuous numeric value of individual body mass observation.
- env_value
A numeric value indicating the hypothetical value of an environmental gradient. Values are discrete between -1, 0, 1
- site_name
The name of the hypothetical site. One of the following: Site_A, Site_X, Site_Q