1. Check with instructor that you have turned in HW1. (Basically, do you have R and RStudio successfully downloaded and you can run code?)
2. Watch the Introduction to R and RStudio Video:
4. Watch the Expressions and Variables in R video:
5. Watch the two videos on formatting and submitting assignments (video is only relevant to ~5:30):
This is not a fully remote class (these videos were recorded during the pandemic)
We are not using Rstudio Cloud. You will submit your assignment scripts using the appropriate link on our D2L course page.
6. Do Exercise 1.1-1.3 - Basic Expressions and Exercise 2 - Basic Variables
7. Watch the Using Functions video:
8. Do Exercise 4.1-4.3 - Built-in Functions
9. Watch the Basic Vectors video:
10. Do Basic Vectors.
11. Watch the Null Values in R video:
12. Do Nulls in Vectors.
13. Watch the Working with Multiple Vectors in R video:
14. Do Shrub Volume Vectors 1-3.
15. Finish the Introduction to R and RStudio assignment.